HAG is a purpose-driven social enterprise – and our purpose is to challenge the status quo in the humanitarian sector. We believe in leading by example.
That’s also why independently supporting the humanitarian sector and its emerging practitioners by giving generously of our time and resources is a core part of our identity.
We are a certified B Corporation, and we are also certified with Social Traders. This means we work hard to ensure that our business is a force for good. We have chosen to hold ourselves accountable to the highest social, environmental and ethical standards, setting ourselves apart from business as usual.
We give generously of our pro bono time which includes research, events, mentoring, education and training, supporting local partners, promoting ethical business and community volunteering. We also track the donations we give as well as costs we put up to run events and support interns – all in the name of supporting the sector.
We have committed to becoming NetZero by 2030. We work with Carbon Neutral track and offset our emissions and have a comprehensive environmental policy that covers our travel, commuting, office supplies, and events.
We work to an ethical procurement framework to support other social enterprises and certified businesses. We prioritise purchasing through affirmative action directories such as Supply Nation, and ethical procurement directories such as Social Traders Buyer’s Portal and the B Corp Directory.
We aim to support localisation principles and to support local organisations, networks and consultants in the countries where we work. We believe that partnership is more than a contractual relationship and we invest in and collaborate with our partners outside of formal projects.
We aim to enable the sector to progress, and to be of service in the ways we can most effectively give back to an industry that means so much to us.
We invest our time into humanitarians, which includes research, events, mentoring, education and training, supporting local partners, promoting ethical business practices and responding generously, from a position of ‘yes’, to the requests of our peers.
We ask the hard questions to challenge the status quo and inspire others to do the same.
We explore contentious issues bravely and authentically because we believe the best solutions emerge through honest discussions and respectful debate.
We accept we must be open to making mistakes and have the courage to learn fand adapt.
We constantly test our own assumptions and those of the humanitarian world.
We foster creativity to shed new light on current thinking; we explore the why, the how and what could be.
We are focused on listening and learning and recognise that knowledge and wisdom often come from unexpected places.
We give generously of our ideas, energy, time, expertise, and networks.
We take an enabling approach to our work through starting from a position of ‘how?’
We make space for learning, reflection, dreaming and growth.
We deliver big results without big bureaucracy.
We are ridiculously flexible as we navigate evolving goals and competing priorities.
We work on serious issues but don’t take ourselves too seriously.
We believe in the centrality of equitable and inclusive approaches, both in what we do, and how we do it.
We aim to do the right thing in the right way and hold ourselves accountable to our ethical commitments and standards.
We are working towards a shared future in which the planet and all its people are respected and protected.
Humanitarian Drinks
Join us at the Natural History Public Bar 401 Collins St. Melbourne, the first Thursday of every month from 5PM!
Book Review
HAG Co-Director Beth Eggleston recently published a review of former Emergency Response Coordinator (ERC) of the United Nations Mark Lowcock’s Relief Chief: A Manifesto for Saving Lives in Dire Times.
Read Beth’s review on the Development Policy Blog here.
HAG’s Josie Flint was quoted in the latest edition of The Saturday Paper on the disaster in Tonga.
You can read the article here.
As our three-year strategic research program, Humanitarian Horizons 2018-21 wrapped up last year, we produced a short video with our partners on the impact of Humanitarian Horizons. Watch the video here.
New podcast – Trumanitarian: Haggling for a Grander Bargain
Meg Sattler recently sat down with HAG’s Kate Sutton and Beth Eggleston to discuss diversity in the humanitarian sector and building evidence to create meaningful change.
Listen here.
While we’re always seeking new partnerships with amazing, like-minded organisations, here we’d like to tell you a bit about those who have been instrumental in shaping the way we conduct partnerships, and the way we work.