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Bringing fresh thinking to challenge the status quo of humanitarian aid

Mele Beach Efate / Photography by Kersom Richard

As an ethically driven business, we combine humanitarian passion with entrepreneurial agility to think and do things differently.

Read more on who we are 


Who we work with

What We Do

Research & reflect

Our research is about generating evidence and learning for the sector, drawing on the knowledge of local experts. We seek to articulate the complex challenges that exist in the humanitarian system and make sure that everyone can play a role in crafting a solution.

Evaluate & design

As an independent organisation we bring a fresh perspective to how we understand impact. We aim to produce accessible evaluations and reviews that lay out clear pathways for improvement and capture success stories.

Facilitate & learn

We bring people together to collectively reflect, take stock and plan. We enjoy learning about and helping address practical challenges facing teams, as well as bringing current best practice and new ideas to the table.

Guide & advise

We support humanitarian agencies and donors to develop or adapt policies and programs that reflect best practice and continual learning.  We are able to use our practical experience and extensive networks to bring current thinking into the mix.

How We Do It

Humanitarian Advisory Group is a social enterprise, an ethically minded and purpose-driven organisation that embraces different ways of working.

Social enterprises:

  • Have a defined primary social purpose, environmental or other public benefit
  • Derive a substantial portion of their income from trade and;
  • Reinvest 50% or more of annual profits towards achieving their social purpose.
Nguna-Island, Photography by Kersom Richards

Where we work

Humanitarian Advisory Group invests in strategic collaborations across a range of stakeholders, from regional universities to peak humanitarian bodies.

Working in partnership is fundamental for research to achieve impact greater than the research itself. We aim to support localisation principles and to support local organisations, networks and consultants in the countries where we work.


South West Bay Malekula, Photography by Kersom Richards