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Localisation in Protracted Crises and Fragile Settings

Localisation has been a core commitment of the international humanitarian community since the first Grand Bargain was agreed at the World Humanitarian Summit in 2016. Enabling responses led by local/national NSAs in complex crisis settings has been particularly challenging, and catalysing change has been slow. In the context of increased reliance on local actors to implement assistance, in particular where international actors’ access to communities has reduced, the effective role of intermediary actors in supporting locally-led response is critical.

This study captures insights into localisation approaches and the role of intermediaries in supporting locally-led response in complex crisis settings. The study explores approaches to support locally-led humanitarian response used by intermediary actors with local/national non state actors, as well the broader impacts of these practices. The study builds on recent work undertaken by ARC and the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement, including on complementarity and localisation in armed conflict.

The research centres around five complex crisis contexts: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Pakistan and PNG.