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Emerging Humanitarian Issues Brief – Pacific


Emerging Humanitarian Issues (EHI) briefs were developed as part of Humanitarian Advisory Group’s design of the next Humanitarian Horizons research program (2021–2024). The EHI briefs helped to inform research priorities and shape a more comprehensive and fit for purpose research program. The EHI briefs are also publicly made available to support humanitarian actors in their decision making.

This EHI brief outlines EHI in the Pacific region, with a focus on Fiji, the Solomon Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu. It was prepared by Josaia Osborne, Deputy Director of the Pacific Island Association of Non-Governmental Organisations (PIANGO). The developed process involved a review of current context of the Pacific and consultations with key humanitarian stakeholders during September and October 2020.

Access the EHI brief for South East Asia

Access the EHI brief for South Asia