Many actors have acknowledged the importance of women’s leadership and meaningful participation in humanitarian responses. The COVID-19 pandemic has again highlighted the underrepresentation of women in decision-making and leadership positions, and led to renewed calls for women to be included in decisionmaking and for the needs and priorities of diverse groups to be included in responses. As part of the UN Women programme ‘Women and Girls at the Centre of COVID-19 Prevention,’ Humanitarian Advisory Group (HAG) developed a framework and tools for assessing the progress and impact of women’s leadership and meaningful participation in the COVID-19 response.
The framework and tools were tested in the Philippines and a baseline report was produced. This document provides an updated framework and tools incorporating improvements based on the learning from that process. The framework and tools were developed through consultation with key actors, in addition to building on existing approaches to measuring localisation. It is intended for UN Women to use as part of its programme, and for other international and national actors working on COVID-19 and/or other humanitarian responses.