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Measuring Women’s Leadership in COVID-19 Responses in Viet Nam

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated pre-existing gender equalities in Viet Nam, as in other countries. Several gendered impacts of COVID-19 have been noted, such as an increase in women’s time spent on care and domestic work, increased gender-based violence, and a decline in women’s labour force participation rate. In particular, women working in the informal sector, migrant workers, primary income earners and women-owned small businesses have been affected by the overall decline in household income. Furthermore, women from ethnic minority groups and migrant groups have been disproportionately affected.1 These facts underline the importance of ensuring that women are involved in COVID-19 response and recovery efforts, including decision-making.

This report provides a snapshot of the extent to which, and in what ways, women and women- focused organisations (WFOs) have led and participated meaningfully in COVID-19 response efforts in Viet Nam. While it identifies some positive examples of WFO-led participation and advocacy, there are opportunities to strengthen investment and support to WFOs to bolster their leadership in COVID-19 response and recovery.