Here you’ll find all of our articles.
Humanitarian Horizons Research Wrap
Launched in December 2023, the Framework for Greening Humanitarian Action in the Pacific provides local, national, regional and international humanitarian practitioners, policymakers and donors with a practical approach for strengthening greener humanitarian action.
This half-day workshop is aimed at building on current thinking about greening humanitarian operations and including outlining the process, priorities and tools that make up the Framework. The session will explore the steps to using the framework, including contextualisation, creating a baseline, developing an action plan, and implementing and monitoring progress.
Please find the link to the event: Register Here
Humanitarian Drinks
Join us at the Natural History Public Bar 401 Collins St. Melbourne, the first Thursday of every month from 5PM!
Book Review
HAG Co-Director Beth Eggleston recently published a review of former Emergency Response Coordinator (ERC) of the United Nations Mark Lowcock’s Relief Chief: A Manifesto for Saving Lives in Dire Times.
Read Beth’s review on the Development Policy Blog here.
HAG’s Josie Flint was quoted in the latest edition of The Saturday Paper on the disaster in Tonga.
You can read the article here.
As our three-year strategic research program, Humanitarian Horizons 2018-21 wrapped up last year, we produced a short video with our partners on the impact of Humanitarian Horizons. Watch the video here.
New podcast – Trumanitarian: Haggling for a Grander Bargain
Meg Sattler recently sat down with HAG’s Kate Sutton and Beth Eggleston to discuss diversity in the humanitarian sector and building evidence to create meaningful change.
Listen here.