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Diaspora Humanitarianism in Complex Crises: The Case of Lebanon

Dr. Jasmin Lilian Diab (she/her) is a Canadian-Lebanese writer, researcher, university professor, international consultant and editor in the areas of Migration, Gender and Conflict Studies. She currently serves as an...

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Trump Presidency and Women: Shake Up or Shameful?

As a business we have a strong interest and focus on women in leadership. Donald Trump’s election, and inauguration today, as President of the United States, raises innumerable questions and...

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Australia’s drought: the disaster at our doorstep

As you stand in your local supermarket, you consider which loaf of bread you should buy. In one hand you have multigrain and in the other hand you have wholemeal...

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Responding Remotely: Emergency preparedness during a pandemic

This article offers some practical steps on conducting a remote simulation exercise (SimEx). It draws from lessons learnt during a remote SimEx held by Caritas Australia and Humanitarian Advisory Group...

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A Pathway to Localisation Impact: Testing and Learning in Bangladesh

The humanitarian sector has made significant progress in measuring the process of localisation, with various frameworks and tools supporting organisations on their journey towards more localised humanitarian action. Despite this...

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Humanitarian Diplomacy in Gulf State Donorship

The trend of international humanitarian assistance continues to grow in volume, raising the position and the profile of non-Western donors, such as the Arab states of the Persian Gulf. The...

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Soft power and hard realities: The case for Australian-led development throughout the Indo-Pacific in the wake of COVID-19

Australia’s humanitarian involvement with our neighbours in the Indo-Pacific had been experiencing a “decline in real terms” well prior to the onset of COVID-19, and with countries now being shuttered...

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Trump and Humanitarianism

Trump and humanitarianism. Oxymoronic to say the least. The effects of Trump becoming President-elect of the United States of America will ripple across time zones and sectors. The humanitarian world...

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Women, peace and countering violent extremism

Last week, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop announced Australia’s new framework, Development Approaches to Countering Violent Extremism. The framework outlines how development assistance will be delivered to counter violent extremism (CVE) in...

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Ceasefire or Skirmish – the impacts of COVID-19 on conflict

Overview With COVID-19 demanding unprecedented global attention, international security concerns have receded from the international agenda. There are very valid concerns that armed actors may be opportunistic in turning the current...

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The cost of good intentions in the Australian bushfires – Perspectives from the international humanitarian sector

Australia is in the middle of a national disaster response. The bushfires, burning across the country since September 2019, have seen both national and international resources deployed on an unprecedented...

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Analysing 6 years of evidence on localisation: do we actually know anything about impact?

Five years after humanitarian donors and international agencies first agreed on the Grand Bargain, priorities for its second iteration converged around more meaningful local leadership, better quality funding, and the...

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