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When the going gets tough, the women get going: The role of women’s networks in the emergency services and humanitarian aid sector

For women working in patriarchally structured sectors such as emergency services or humanitarian relief, professional networks can be an invaluable resource. They become a place where achievements are celebrated, questions...

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Podcast “I Think You’re On Mute”: Our Voices, Our Choices, Our Pacific Way – Supporting locally led action in the Pacific

Listen now on: Spotify | SoundCloud | Apple | YouTube   In November 2023, the 52nd Pacific Islands Forum meeting was held and the host, the Cook Islands, chose the theme:...

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Strengthening Accountability to Affected Populations through Network Learning

Overview Strengthened accountability to affected populations is central to humanitarian action. While much has been achieved, there is also considerable scope to further improve accountability to people affected by conflict...

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Blockchain for social impact in aid and development

Blockchain technology is increasingly being used in humanitarian response around the world with humanitarian agencies, including the United Nations (UN), beginning to use this technology. Blockchain is also known as the...

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Podcast: “I Think You’re On Mute”: Delivering humanitarian response differently

Listen now on: Spotify | SoundCloud | Apple | YouTube  The humanitarian sector’s push for localisation has resulted in an increasing presence of local and national staff in international...

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Humanitarian Diplomacy in Gulf State Donorship

The trend of international humanitarian assistance continues to grow in volume, raising the position and the profile of non-Western donors, such as the Arab states of the Persian Gulf. The...

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Diaspora Humanitarianism in Complex Crises: The Case of Lebanon

Dr. Jasmin Lilian Diab (she/her) is a Canadian-Lebanese writer, researcher, university professor, international consultant and editor in the areas of Migration, Gender and Conflict Studies. She currently serves as an...

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Trump Presidency and Women: Shake Up or Shameful?

As a business we have a strong interest and focus on women in leadership. Donald Trump’s election, and inauguration today, as President of the United States, raises innumerable questions and...

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Australia’s drought: the disaster at our doorstep

As you stand in your local supermarket, you consider which loaf of bread you should buy. In one hand you have multigrain and in the other hand you have wholemeal...

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Here is what you can do to involve the private sector in the humanitarian sector

Private sectors have been an important part of humanitarian responses for a long time. Since the 2016 World Humanitarian Summit, Connecting Business Initiative (CBi) has been playing a major role to...

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Turning the Grand Bargain upside down: views from Indonesia

Past humanitarian reform agendas have continuously emphasised the need for humanitarian response to be locally owned. But for two decades, attempts to systematically elevate the representation, participation, and power of...

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Aspiring to be made redundant

The World Humanitarian Summit called on actors in the humanitarian system to critically appraise their relevance. Think tanks, humanitarian commentators and consultants had a field day. We were given carte blanche...

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Intention to Impact: Localised Humanitarian Action

Practical progress on localisation had been insufficient and inconsistent, despite widespread recognition of localisation as a principle within the humanitarian sector. This stream addresses the localisation measurement gap by exploring and testing approaches to measuring the activity and impact of localised humanitarian action.

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Aid worker wellbeing: Time to face the elephant in the room

Every year on August 19, we pay tribute to aid workers who have risked and lost their lives in humanitarian service. The World Humanitarian Day serves as an opportunity to “advocate...

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Two steps forward, one step back: Assessing the implications of COVID-19 on locally-led humanitarian response in Myanmar

You can read the report in Burmese below. Overview COVID-19 has opened up opportunities to progress localisation in Myanmar, but at the same time exacerbated existing challenges, presenting an opportunity...

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Responding Remotely: Emergency preparedness during a pandemic

This article offers some practical steps on conducting a remote simulation exercise (SimEx). It draws from lessons learnt during a remote SimEx held by Caritas Australia and Humanitarian Advisory Group...

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A Pathway to Localisation Impact: Testing and Learning in Bangladesh

The humanitarian sector has made significant progress in measuring the process of localisation, with various frameworks and tools supporting organisations on their journey towards more localised humanitarian action. Despite this...

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Soft power and hard realities: The case for Australian-led development throughout the Indo-Pacific in the wake of COVID-19

Australia’s humanitarian involvement with our neighbours in the Indo-Pacific had been experiencing a “decline in real terms” well prior to the onset of COVID-19, and with countries now being shuttered...

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Trump and Humanitarianism

Trump and humanitarianism. Oxymoronic to say the least. The effects of Trump becoming President-elect of the United States of America will ripple across time zones and sectors. The humanitarian world...

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Women, peace and countering violent extremism

Last week, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop announced Australia’s new framework, Development Approaches to Countering Violent Extremism. The framework outlines how development assistance will be delivered to counter violent extremism (CVE) in...

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Digitalisation and inclusion: are the pessimists justified?

Are we as humanitarians sabotaging ourselves by being overly pessimistic about the possibilities of new technologies, or are we justified in our scepticism?  According to technology analyst Sara Watson...

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What we do

Humanitarian Advisory Group (HAG) brings fresh thinking to challenge the status quo of humanitarian aid. As an ethically driven business, we combine humanitarian passion with entrepreneurial agility to think and do things differently.

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Podcast “I Think You’re On Mute”: COP28 – A climate for humanitarian change

Listen now on: Spotify | SoundCloud | Apple | YouTube  Humanitarian and climate policies are intrinsically linked. What humanitarians do, no matter how well-intentioned, has an impact on the environment...

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Research & reflect

Our research is rigorous, accessible and relevant – bridging the gap between academia and practice.

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Elevating local leadership

We have committed to elevating local leadership across all of our work. We believe that a true partnership can only exist between equals, each learning from and supporting the other.

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Humanitarian Recruitment: Shifting the dial towards respectful practices

Ethical recruitment in the humanitarian sector has gained momentum in recent years, thanks in large part to the Charter4Change, which has championed the cause since 2015. The Charter maintains a...

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Localisation Through Partnership: Shifting Towards Locally-led Programming in Myanmar (Phase 1 – The Partnership Journey)

Overview Karuna Mission Social Solidarity (KMSS) and Trócaire have been working in partnership to respond to the crisis in Kachin and Northern Shan State in Myanmar since 2012. Their 2018-2020...

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Localisation Through Partnership: Shifting Towards Locally-led Programming in Myanmar (Phase 3 – Outcomes of the Transition)

Overview Karuna Mission Social Solidarity (KMSS) and Trócaire have been working in partnership to respond to the crisis in Kachin and Northern Shan State in Myanmar since 2012. Their 2018-2020...

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Building a Blueprint for Change

The global humanitarian reform agenda has continually evolved over the last 15 years, yet has thus far fallen short of ambitions for transformative, systemic change. This stream seeks to contextualise global models to fit national priorities and achieve meaningful impact for affected populations.

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Diverse and Inclusive Humanitarian Leadership

Humanitarian leadership does not currently reflect the broad diversity of talent across gender, age, ethnicity and culture. This stream focuses on understanding the real and potential benefits to organisations and disaster-affected populations of diversifying humanitarian leadership.

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There’s a reason that companies are doing better than humanitarians when it comes to understanding diversity.

There hasn’t been much analysis of diversity in humanitarian leadership, so we tend to do it ourselves. At conferences, mainly. We wait to see who shows up, share a few...

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Going about it the wrong way: US ‘Humanitarian’ aid in Venezuela

Despite being partly correct in arguing that Venezuela’s dire humanitarian crisis is largely the making of the Nicolás Maduro regime, US efforts to resolve the crisis are counterproductive. By using...

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Virtual Civil Society and Effective Humanitarian Assistance in China during COVID-19

China, as the largest emerging donor in the world, has been increasingly active in the international aid sector by providing generous development assistance, including infrastructure projects, human resources, technical cooperation...

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Evaluate & design

Our evaluations, reviews and design of programs and initiatives rely on our independence and draw on our expertise in sector best practice.

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Facilitate & learn

We support learning across the humanitarian sector through our training, facilitation and teaching.

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Two sides of the same coin? The use of armed forces in responding to COVID-19

Overview During the current period of international emergency, governments across the political landscape, from democracies to dictatorships, are calling on their military to help battle the COVID-19 pandemic. Though an...

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My Fulbright Journey: Musings, memories and momentum

It has been 70 years since the Fulbright program started in Australia. Right from the beginning of my Fulbright experience I saw a unique fit for my interest in humanitarian civil-military...

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Localisation in Asia and the Pacific: What is happening and where to next?

Today the Humanitarian Horizons program’s People, Power and Local Leadership research team are releasing a series of learning briefs on approaches to localisation. This blog outlines the thinking behind learning...

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Learnings from Sejajar initiative Indonesia

Overview This briefing shares insights from an evaluation of the SEJAJAR network, a platform for local CSO and NGO coordination and collaboration in the COVID-19 response in Indonesia. The evaluation...

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Seeing the glass ceiling: measuring women’s participation in humanitarian response

Women have not yet achieved parity in the humanitarian world. This applies, sadly, to women in humanitarian action, to women in humanitarian media, and to women in the context of...

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Lighting the Path to Women’s Leadership: A Review of Glow Red’s Four Years of Action

Women’s leadership in the International Red Cross and Red Crescent (RCRC) Movement is at a critical juncture. Since its establishment in 2017, the GLOW Red network has driven key actions...

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Ceasefire or Skirmish – the impacts of COVID-19 on conflict

Overview With COVID-19 demanding unprecedented global attention, international security concerns have receded from the international agenda. There are very valid concerns that armed actors may be opportunistic in turning the current...

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The cost of good intentions in the Australian bushfires – Perspectives from the international humanitarian sector

Australia is in the middle of a national disaster response. The bushfires, burning across the country since September 2019, have seen both national and international resources deployed on an unprecedented...

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Analysing 6 years of evidence on localisation: do we actually know anything about impact?

Five years after humanitarian donors and international agencies first agreed on the Grand Bargain, priorities for its second iteration converged around more meaningful local leadership, better quality funding, and the...

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